

This time we're lucky: sounds just the way you'd expect from its name: like the letter T in English! And of course, this sound also occurs in languages like Spanish, German and Cantonese, but luckily we don't need to talk about that at all. Whew!

When I looked at this letter the first picture I could find was a TUB - a bathtub. Let's see what my artistic talents can create with this one...

Now let's try some reading practice again.

(toto) - We're not in Kansas anymore...

(tov) - Good! For example, Aba tov would be a good father. Tov is only used for masculine words in Hebrew but you don't need to remember that now.

(betach) - Sure! Definitely! A popular word in Israel for emphatically agreeing to things. Not that emphatically agreeing is a renowned Israeli trait, but that's another story...

The next letter was the origin of our letter Y...