Shuruk: The Vav For "U"
is another vowel we can make with
It sounds like "oo" in igloo or the U in blue.
You could just remember that the DOT is UNDER the top of the Vav, and under starts with U.
But has the U sound of "blue", not of
"under." So let's imagine you're screwing a blue screw under the
, like this:

The blue screw! Got it? Now let's see in action!
טוּטוּ (tutu) - One of those cute frilly things that ballerinas wear, that fit the definition of "skirt" but without all that fabric.
חוּט (chut) - Speaking of fabric, it means thread.
בּוּז (booz) - Contempt
דּוּ-חַי (doo-chai) - Amphibian -- like a frog!
We're on a roll, let's learn another vowel!